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Plant Garden Dubai


Best Outdoor Plants to Choose in Summer Season

Outdoor plants are plants that are grown outside your home. When it comes to home gardening, there are two types of plants; indoor and outdoor plants both have distinct benefits as well as drawbacks. In the extremely humid summer months in Dubai, only one thing can offer you a soothing feel. It is the bright green colour and refreshed aid that creates a positive vibe within and outside your home. Whether you have a villa or apartment here in Dubai, having a small garden that promotes greenery always creates a positive atmosphere for your home living.

However, not all plants can survive the extreme humidity in Dubai, hence we should provide adequate care for each plant that can thrive in harsh weather conditions.

5 Best Garden Plants for Your Home in the Summer Season

1. Bougainville: A fully bloomed Bougainville is a common sight in Dubai, and it can create a vibrant colour appealing to your eyes. Apart from the white colour, this particular flower comes in different colours including red, pink, orange, and yellow. Bougainville can also plant as a flower bed or colourful fence as your garden wall. Bougainville has high tolerance for drought hence it can withstand the extremely hot climate in Dubai. Also, it requires very less water and fertilizers, so it will make an excellent choice for your outdoor garden.

2. Hibiscus Rosa: These plants are normally seen in tropical regions, hibiscus rosa is also known as China rosa and comes in different colours including white yellow, pink, red, and orange. The red colour in the centre of the follower promotes beauty. Hibiscus rosa can bloom in the hot climate of Dubai, however, cannot survive in the cold climate. Therefore, the plant needs a little amount of water with balanced fertilizers, which makes it more appropriate for a balcony garden.

3. Vinca: Vinca is a beautiful flowering plant that can grow sustainably in the summer season in Dubai. It is available in different shades including white, pink, red, and purple. The flower promotes a stunning effect with a different colour in the center than the colour in the petal.

4. Plumeria: Plumeria also known as Frangipani commonly seen in flowers in Dubai. This flower has white petals with a yellow tint in the centre, it also comes in different colours especially pink and yellow. The specialty of the flower is that it promotes a sweet smell that makes it favourable for all plant lovers. Plumeria is a tropical flowering plant that grows in extreme drought conditions. Hence, it can tolerate the harsh summer in Dubai. The flower then flourishes in low-quality soils and survives even in direct sunlight. Plumeria are normally found as a tree form in the garden, and can also be grown in pots of different sizes.

5. Flame Tree: Flame trees are bigger and found mostly in the outside garden. The tree is popular because its orange and red flowers resemble the flame. As a tropical plant, the Flame tree can withstand direct sunlight. The main feature is that it branches out similarly to the umbrella. Hence, it promotes a perfect shade and makes a good canopy for your outdoor plant garden. However, the tree might shed its leaves during summer but proper watering can bring back the greenery

How Do You Keep Plants During Summer?

The following are some tips to keep plants During the Summer in Dubai.

Regular Watering: During summer, the water may evaporate quickly and then leave dry soil. To prevent this, plants must be watered frequently. To check whether the soil is dry or not, use your fingers and if you see any gap between the side of the pot and the soil, it indicates that the plant is under-water.

Fertilization: It is better to avoid fertilizing plants in summer, try to fertilize before summer. During summer, plants are completely stressed. If you add more fertilization during summer it will cause more stress to the plant.

Avoid Repotting: Repotting may create stress for plants, when you repotted the plant, the plant may take more time to acclimatize to the new environment.

Avoid Pruning: Pruning leaves may also cause stress to plants. Sometimes the leaves may shed due to excess heat. However, once the summer is over, the leaves will bounce back. Therefore, avoid pruning during the hot summer season.


The summer season in Dubai is very harsh, therefore choose the best outdoor plants to make your garden look more greenery. Plant Vista offers a different variety of outdoor plants in Dubai and trees offer the best plants that fit your space. Also, they guide you in providing proper care and maintenance for your outdoor plants to retain the look and greenery of garden.

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